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fucius believed in respeg one's parents. He said this would bring harmony to families and society. The idea of a harmonious society still has important implications for modern society.


Even though fucius lived a long time ago, his teags have had a lasting impact. People still study his ideas and try to apply them in their lives.



English version

Kids, do you know who's called“The teacher of all the teachers”? Do you know who is“The sage teacher“,“the teacher of all ages”?

The man is fucius. As a representative figure of aeachers and educators, his educational thoughts have been handed down for thousands of years.

fucius was a very wise and important person from a a. He was born around 2,500 years ago.

As a child, fucius loved learning and always asked many questions. He grew up in a poor family, but this didn't stop him from seeking knowledge.

fucius studied really hard and became a teacher when he grew up. His students loved him because he was kind and patient.

One of the most important things fucius taught was the value of respect. He believed that everyone should treat others with kindness and be polite.

fucius also taught his students to treat others the way they wao be treated. This idea, known as the“Golden Rule,“ is still important today.

fucius wrote many books about ethid how people should live their lives. His ideas influenced ese culture for thousands of years.

fucius was also an advisor to many rulers. He gave them advi how to be good leaders and create a fair and just society.

fucius had many disciples who tinued his teags after he died. They helped spread his ideas and keep his wisdom alive.

fucius believed in respeg one's parents. He said this would bring harmony to families and society. The idea of a harmonious society still has important implications for modern society.

Even though fucius lived a long time ago, his teags have had a lasting impact. People still study his ideas and try to apply them in their lives.